Eponychium VS Cuticle

KLUCH NEWS - News that’s on time with information for you to grab…. 

The Great Debate Convo 
 What is the EPONYCHIUM & What is CUTICLE? 

 So, every nail tech has had this conversation or maybe even argued over exactly what is the eponychium and what is the cuticle. There is a great difference in both of these tissues. EPONYCHIUM is LIVING SKIN at the base of the nail plate. CUTICLE is DEAD TISSUE adhered to the nail plate. Those are the basic definitions.

So no matter what WE as nail techs thought, these are not the same definitions...they read differently. So now that we have established that, here are some ways I used to tell the difference when I was in school when it came to using cuticle nippers because; I am a very scary nail tech (lol). I don't want to hurt you or make you bleed. So if it is dead tissue or cuticle it may adhere to the nail plate but come up easy, if it is translucent or even if it is just sticking up. Now when it comes to nipping a general rule used is to only nip what is standing up and screaming heeeyyyy nip me, nip me...anything else probably should be pushed back.

 So NO they are not the same and it has nothing to do with old school and new school it's more of some nail techs were not taught how to correctly identify, but even then if you think about it logically it don't make sense for the cuticle to be, the cuticle and the eponychium cause then...what is the eponychium???…..but we must always remember...we  SHOULD use the terms correctly AND IF WE don't (just out of habit) use the correct term; at least know what is right, because terms are loosely used and it can take some time to break habits, so know the difference.

So I guess the question is now: do clients have dry eponychium or dry cuticles (lol)? I would say you have dry skin (eponychium) because it is living tissue just a little dry or maybe a lot. It makes me think that cuticle oil should be called eponychium oil. These are my thoughts on cuticle and eponychium. They are two different tissues and NOT the same. Always remember to educate yourself and help one another.

TIP: To help with dry eponychium your client can use a basic chapstick. Apply like you would cuticle oil whenever they wash hands or even think about it.



Thanks for your Blog Post D! 
COMMENT BELOW!  Do You have any tricks you use for cuticles or eponychium? 
How do you educate your clients on the subject?

-Dréa aka "The Blog Master"

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