Life Rolls On...

There's a quote I love by English writer, Mary Ann Evans that reads: 

"It's never too late to be what you might have been." 
(this is true)

Me, working on my teacher's nails.

Hello! I'm Jazmin.

The earliest memory I have of wanting to learn how to do nails was at 10 years old. However, my journey to becoming a Nail Tech started in '97. I enrolled at a local vocational school but; due to my inability to meet the school's pedicure requirement, I saw no other choice and quit half way through the course. Being paraplegic, working with client's feet was something I knew would not be comfortable for me to do. As a result of my decision, I was left feeling disappointed & most of all discouraged. 

"My dream is over!" (or so I thought)

Fifteen years had passed; since my first try at becoming a licensed professional but...

it was a conversation with a nail tech that marked the beginning of my career...

One afternoon, as I was having my nails worked on...I couldn't help but share my love of the profession (as well as my failed attempt). Just before the service was over, she picked up her phone and called a friend (director of admissions at a beauty academy). Upon hearing about my bitter experience, the director asked to speak with me. Excited to help, she assured me that they would accommodate my special needs in any way possible. A week later, I was taking a tour of the campus and on February 21, 2012

...I officially became a beauty school student!

That's me, doing my first facial!

Today, it’s with a great sense of pride and accomplishment that I can finally say:

“I am doing what I love…Nails! 

(Me) Jaz - "Nail Artist On Wheelz"

These first 3 yrs. of my career have been filled with AMAZING experiences & opportunities!!! 

Most recently, I was asked by Naja & David Anthony to join their team and was named: VBP’s “Instagram Master.” I also work alongside VPB's AWESOME "Blog Master," AnDréa Pettingill as: “Blog Master On Wheelz.”  I love that we're working together...we make a GREAT TEAM! 

There are no words to properly express how grateful I am to be a part of this movement. Thank you, Naja & David Anthony XOXO.

My hope with sharing my story is that it’ll inspire others to “keep pushing.”

Long roads have their purpose…

Signed with Love,
Jazmin Savinon
"Blog Master On Wheelz"

Follow My Nail Journey!
Instagram: @nailsbyjaz

More blog posts coming soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing part of your journey; it's far from over. The best is yet to come.
